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Class of 1996
Taborda Barata, João
Master Degree
University (Master Degree)
University of Coimbra, Portugal
About the PhD
Field of Research
Oncobiology, Signal Transduction
Thesis Title
Microenvironmental and cell-autonomous mechanisms involved in tumor progression
Angelo Cardoso, Vassiliki Boussiotis
Maria de Sousa
University of Porto
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon University Medical School, Lisboa, Portugal
Date of Thesis Defence
After the PhD (Current Situation)
Research Group Leader
Cancer Biology Unit
Instituto de Medicina Molecular
View Institution website

Relevant Publications
C.M. Henriques, J. Rino, R.J. Nibbs, G.G. Graham, J.T. Barata (2010). IL-7 induces rapid clathrin-mediated internalization and JAK3-dependent degradation of IL-7Rα in T cells. Blood 115 (16): 3269-3277.
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L.R. Martins, P. Lúcio, M.C. Silva, P. Gameiro, M.G. Silva, J.T. Barata (2010). Targeting CK2 Overexpression and Hyperactivation as a Novel Therapeutic Tool in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Blood 116 (15): 2724-2731.
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A. Silva, A.B.A. Laranjeira, L.R. Martins, B.A. Cardoso, J. Demengeot, J.A. Yunes, B. Seddon, J.T. Barata (2011). IL-7 contributes to the progression of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias. Cancer Research 71 (14): 4780-4789.
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P.P. Zenatti, D. Ribeiro, W. Li, L. Zuurbier, M.C. Silva, M. Paganin, J. Tritapoe, J.A. Hixon, A.B. Silveira, B.A. Cardoso, L.M. Sarmento, N. Correia, M.L. Toribio, J. Kobarg, M. Horstmann, R. Pieters, S.R. Brandalise, A.A. Ferrando, J.P. Meijerink, S.K. Durum, J.A. Yunes, J.T. Barata (2011). Oncogenic IL7R gain-of-function mutations in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Genetics 43 (10): 932-939.
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N. Correia, K. Durinck, A.P. Leite, M. Ongenaert, P. Rondou, F. Speleman, F.J. Enguita, J.T. Barata (2013). Novel TAL1 targets beyond protein-coding genes: identification of TAL1-regulated microRNAs in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 27 (7): 1603-1606.
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J.T. Barata, A. Silva, J.G. Brandão, L.M. Nadler, A.A. Cardoso, V.A. Boussiotis (2004). Activation of PI3K is Indispensable for Interleukin 7-Mediated Viability, Proliferation, Glucose Use, and Growth of T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine 200 (5): 659-669.
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A. Silva, J.A. Yunes, B.A. Cardoso, L.R. Martins, P.Y. Jotta, M. Abecasis, A.E. Nowill, N.R. Leslie, A.A. Cardoso, J.T. Barata (2008). PTEN Posttranslational Inactivation and Hyperactivation of the PI3K/Akt Pathway Sustain Primary T Cell Leukemia Viability. Journal of Clinical Investigation 118 (11): 3762-3774.
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R.I. Azevedo, M.V.D. Soares, J.T. Barata, R. Tendeiro, A. Serra-Caetano, R.M.M. Victorino and A.E. Sousa (2009). IL-7 sustains CD31 expression in human naive CD4+ T cells and preferentially expands the CD31+ subset in a PI3K-dependent manner. Blood 113 (13): 2999-3007.
D.V. Correia, F. d’Orey, B.A. Cardoso, T. Lança, A.R. Grosso, A. deBarros, L.R. Martins, J.T. Barata, B. Silva-Santos (2009). Highly active microbial phosphoantigen induces rapid yet sustained MEK/Erk- and PI-3K/Akt-mediated signal transduction in anti-tumor human γδ T-cells. PLoS ONE 4 (5): e5657.
P.Y. Jotta, M.A. Ganazza, A. Silva, M.B. Viana, M.J. da Silva, L.J.G. Zambaldi, J.T. Barata, S.R. Brandalise, J.A. Yunes (2010). Negative prognostic impact of PTEN mutation in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 24 (1): 239-42.
A. Silva, P.Y. Jotta, A.B. Silveira, D. Ribeiro, S.R. Brandalise, J.A. Yunes, J.T. Barata (2010). Regulation of PTEN by CK2 and Notch1 in primary T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: rationale for combined use of CK2- and gamma-secretase inhibitors. Haematologica 95 (4): 674-678.
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I.S. Vala, L.R. Martins, N. Imaizumi, R.J. Nunes, J. Rino, F. Kuonen, L.M. Carvalho, C. Ruegg, I. Monteiro Grillo, J.T. Barata, M. Mareel, S.C.R. Santos (2010). Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation Promote Tumor Growth and Metastasis by Enhancing Angiogenesis. PLoS ONE 5(6): e11222.

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Last Update
2014-04-29 16:18:52

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Program financially supported by
the National Foundation for
Science and Technology